The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #727
25th Aug, 2023 at 01:00 pm
Connor & Stelios discuss Bill Maher demonstrating why Liberalism is brain-rot, why Jordan Peterson shouldn’t back down, and the new ONS data on Britain’s demographic nightmare.
Reading List
Jordan Peterson - Club Random with Bill Maher - YouTube
Charlotte Proudman ruins Romeo & Juliet - Charlotte Proudman - X
To clarify - Jordan Peterson - X
1st tweet: against the anti-natalist - Jordan Peterson - X
2nd tweet: against the Ottawa police on Children protection Aid - Jordan Peterson - X
3rd tweet: Peterson’s criticism of Trudeau - Jordan Peterson - X
4th tweet - Jordan Peterson - X
THIS ONE - The National Post
Court’s Position - Jordan Peterson
I cannot even talk about the weather - Jordan Peterson - YouTube
I don’t think we have freedom of speech in Canada. - Jordan Peterson - YouTube
Our country is - Jordan Peterson - YouTube
Why JBP thinks the OCP does this - Jordan Peterson - Youtube
Most hated Canadian PM - CTV News
Howard Levitt: Jordan Peterson case shows it's time for workplace protections on political speech - Yahoo
UK birth slump dubbed ‘good for planet’ as number of babies born hits 20-year low - The Telegraph
The birth rate is plummeting, but the population is surging – go figure - The Telegraph
Let the nightmare in Japan be a warning to childless millennials - The Telegraph
Can Shrinking Be Good for Japan? A Marxist Best Seller Makes the Case - New York Times
Thread on reversing declining birthrates - More Births - X