Rumble Live | Is James Lindsay Right about Liberalism?
Harry and Connor examine James Lindsay’s vision of liberalism and how effective it is.
Streamed: 29/06/23 @ 3:30pm
Reading List
A reminder of what Lindsay’s true aims and beliefs are, that he doesn’t hide - Peter R. Quinones - Twitter
Desperately can’t accept that liberalism failed - James Lindsay - Twitter
Meaningless sentiments - James Lindsay - Twitter
Civil Rights Act was just twisted, guys, trust me - James Lindsay - Twitter
If you’re against the CRA you’re sus - James Lindsay - Twitter

Excellent commentary - James Lindsay - Twitter
Marx Was Not Woke - Chronicles
Chronicles are cordial about it - James Lindsay - Twitter
He’s an arsehole about it - James Lindsay - Twitter
Another polite response - Chronicles
Auron tries to be a good boy - Auron MacIntyre - Twitter
Attacking Right-Wing thinkers - James Lindsay - Twitter
Schmitt bad because Marcuse - James Lindsay - Twitter
This is not enough to write off Schmitt - James Lindsay - Twitter
Against school choice - James Lindsay - Twitter
MacIntyre: How the neocon cycle inevitably moves conservatism to the left - Blaze Media
He’s just an early 2010’s leftist guys - Remnant - Twitter
Jesus loving people is literally fascism - James Lindsay - Twitter
The Superbowl ad AOC was calling fascist - Harry Robinson - Twitter
He repeatedly reiterates this view in the Christian Nationalism video - Harry Robinson - Twitter