The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #647
Tonight on the Lotus Eaters, local man eats beans, a leaflet is stolen, and Jon Stewart huffs glue.
Reading List

British section in Spanish supermarket - u/Billyc4898 - Reddit
Local american man tries beans on toast - Newsflare - YouTube
Turns out they are stealing other stuff - Robyn Vinter - Twitter
This is real - nytcooking - Instagram
Nothing beats this headline tho - Stefan Roberts - Twitter
Ended up changing the name to the best electric kettles - Wirecutter - New York Times
Their #2 recommendation - Best Buy

They even included a video of the goose - Wirecutter - YouTube

Author, - she /her - Anna Shults Held - Instagram
It’s like these tribal people eating cheese cake - Tribal People Try - YouTube
Dog restaurants - nytcooking - Instagram
Dudes instagram is something else - Rahmi Massarweh - Instagram
Extra large cakes $105 - Dogue
Look at this website - Dogue
Local elections 2023: live council results for England - The Guardian
Local elections 2023: Leader ousted by 22-year-old as Tories lose council - BBC
Voter Suppression! - Claudia Webbe MP - Twitter
Lies - Andrea Barrett - Twitter
‘I was denied my right’: voter ID rules a barrier for some in England - The Guardian
Keir Starmer says 99.9% of women 'of course haven't got a penis' as Labour leader scrambles to clarify his stance on transgender issues - The Daily Mail
Canvasser steal opposing leaflet - Politics UK - Twitter
Such compelling messaging - Conservatives - Twitter
The Swindon Money Pit - The Lotus Eaters - Rumble
Permanent climate emergency - Scumpmonkey is Dead
Inflation up 6% since last year compilation - The Problem With Jon Steward - Youtube
Inflation is just miserable - CPI Inflation Calendar
UK NHS pay - John Burn-Murdoch - Twitter
US it’s 113k - Salary
US inflation is 16.6% since 2020 - US Inflation Calculator
Jon got an interview with secretary of the territory - The Problem With Jon Stewart - Youtube
Quick word from TIK about inflation before we listen to a central banker - TikHistory - Youtube
Then it got much worse - a Marketology
Trump spent 2.2T on covid relief - Wikipedia
2.3T more on covid and rando stuff - Wikipedia
1.9T American rescue plan - Wikipedia
1.2T on infrastructure - Wikipedia
0.7T in inflation reduction - Wikipedia
Before we even look at what the central bankers did to the m1 graph - Trading Economics
Point is, it’s not venezuelan workers raising their prices that caused 100% venezuelan inflation - Vice - Youtube
Jon concludes the real cause is corporations raising their prices - The Problem With Jon Stewart - Youtube
On Gender-Affirming Care - The Problem With Jon Stewart - Youtube
The Problem With the Gender “Binary” - The Problem With Jon Stewart - Youtube