The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #828
15th Jan at 01:00 pm
Callum, Dan, and Harry discuss "Infinity Africans & 2yr Lockdown: Did it work?", explore the idea of leftist perspectives, and reflect on the statement "It Didn’t Have to Be Like This."
Reading List
Leftists and fear processing - Joseph Bronski - X
Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults - NCBI
Must be why this keeps happening - Klaus Arminius - X
Just get robbed bro - Henry Blackman - X
Shot - James Ball - X
Chaser - LaoCaiLarry - X
I can’t believe you recognise when someone might want to hurt you - Goddat - X
You’re literally mentally ill - Harry Robinson - X
Liberals love rocks more than their families - Rob Henderson - X
Ideological differences in the expanse of the moral circle - Nature
Belief in God and prejudice reduced by directing magnetic energy into the brain - Science Daily
Immigration graph - UK Parliament
Opposing immigration is the most centrists position possible - Sebastian Payne - X
ONS ethnic map - Office for National Statistics
Homemade graphics - Will - X
Dude is posting after people - Will - X
1945 Labour manifesto - Labour Party
1950 election - Labour Party
1951 - Labour Party
1955 - Labour Party
1959 - Labour Party
1964 - con manifesto (they lose) - Conservative Party
1966 Labour - Labour Party
1970 Cons win - Conservative Party
1974 lab win - Labour Party
1979/1983 Thatcher - Margaret Thatcher
Con 1987 - Conservative Party
1992 con manifesto - Conservative Party
The End of history begins - Wikipedia
Evil bastard - Wikimedia
Shadow Hitler - Reddit -