The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #819
Callum, Connor & Dan discuss the Houthi insurgents, how “London is a place for everyone”, and Mickey Mouse entering the public domain.
Reading List
Aden, Yemen - Google Maps
Red Sea: UK defence secretary says British forces will repel Houthi attacks - BBC News

Operation Prosperity Guardian - Wikipedia
Iran deploys warship to Red Sea amid soaring tensions - Aljazeera
Sadiq Khan's New Year's message - Sadiq Khan - X
London's New Year's fireworks display - Mail Online
Khan accused of being ‘unable to balance books’ after seventh TfL bailout - The Telegraph
Long-term international migration, provisional: year ending June 2023 - ONS
Social Housing Statistics - The Spectator
Global Organised Crime Index - OCINDEX.not
London knife and gun crime surges amid gang warfare - The Telegraph
Even Sky News are sick of Sadiq Khan - Sky News - X
Stabbing of 16 year-old on New Year's Eve - Camden Police - X
The victim: Henry Pitman - London & UK Street News - X
Tube attacker who raped woman as she slept on Piccadilly Line in front of horrified passengers - Mail Online
This is who you are being taxed to import - i-land watch - X
Eritreans rioting in South London - Liam Heath - X
Migrants beat police with sticks - RadioGenoa - X
“Why don't you intervene, citizen?” - GB News - X
Actual Londoner is told he’s a foreigner - David Atherton - X
Bro was out of copyright for 2 hours before a game was released - DiscussingFilm - X
Much better ideas out there - Flare - X
Smart game devs just adding him as a character - Victorian Clambake Studio - YouTube
Someone was making a movie - The Hollywood Handle - X
Happy Mickey Mouse Public Domain Day! - Jack Posobiec - X
Poso - Jack Posobiec - X
Franco - Jack Posobiec - X
13/50 - Mostly Peaceful Memes - X
George sure did have a lot of fentanyl in his system - Mostly Peaceful Memes - X
Kinda weird huh - Mostly Peaceful Memes - X
Islam is right about trans - Mostly Peaceful Memes - X

Started to have more fun - Internet Today - X
Boomer quality - D0ge - X
Micheal Knowles - X

Original 3 little pigs - [UETA] [AR34] [AV] [HXR] JacopoTheAwesomeBoy2K8 - YouTube
Leftist - shmulik - X