The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #818
Carl and Callum discuss Slags, Colonisation, and Elon Musk's greatest hits
Reading List
This shitpost went viral - Josh Lekach - X
Peal response - Peal Davis - X
They is bad bitches - Yung Gravy - X
China man - Dinamimi 59 - TikTok
Is a soulless life - Catch Up - X
Global south doing their thing - Festive Alf - X
Point the author was making - Josh Lekach - X
What men really want - Tara Bull - X
Im Radio ist ein Kuchen - Alex Man - X
Ofc it was a little less revealing - Google Search
David posts maybe people don’t want to live in little pakistan - David Atherton - X
ONS backs up the footage - Office for National Statistics
She her thinks its great - Ms Dayglo - X
Dr. Shadee: You deserve it - Shadee Elmasry - X
You have to deal with it bec of this random thin - Islamicize - X g
It’s a lie - Wikipedia
Local islamist loves it - Dilly Hussain - X
But british tourists - Buck Frexit - X
David thinks colonisation bad - David Atherton - X
Birmingham is multicultural go away - Police Station Rep
“Multiculturalism” - Wikipedia
Otto English thinks its beautiful - Otto English - X l
Wondered why people would rather live in Bibury - Callum - X
Houses in the “cotswolds” are the rich man land - Right Move
But no, he would rather live in “vibrant multicultural city” - Otto English - X
The city in question - Callum - X
Elon Musk’s 9 Unfunniest Jokes of 2023 - Rolling Stone
Writer hates elon musk any anything rightist - Rolling Stone
Rolling stone hates Elon Musk - Rolling Stone - X
It’s so their owners family can make more money - Taylor Robinette - X
22 billion in revenue - Wikipedia