The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #809
19th Dec, 2023 at 01:00 pm
Callum, Connor & Lewis discuss Android Wifus, DINKTok, and Catholic Confusion
Reading List
Replika AI - ReplikaAI - X
Meme posts - Frankworth Philipsonbert - X
Ban this sick filth - Scroll - X
Originally replica was a girls game - Sarah Z - Youtube
Vice news - Vice
Sexual harassment update - women most upset - Buisness Insider
Excited to announce v(1.0) of Digi, the future of AI Romantic Companionship, for IOS and Android - Andrew - X
Popular from a tweet - Andrew - X
Largest response is this is clearly bad - Scribbles - X
Even got people kink shaming - Tevin - X
Political people got a hold of it - Ian Miles Cheong - X
Shoe has tried to red pill it - Shoe On Head - X
Lead to Richard spencer drama - Shoe On Head - X
Katherine Dee’s iron law of internet discourse - Rain Morningstar - X
“We’re DINKS” a.k.a. Genetic Dead-Ends - KDSign - X
“Just replace DINKs with DUMB” - Jesse Lee Peterson - X
The THROUPLES have entered the chat - Josh Lekach - X
Zer0HPLOvecraft right as usual - Zero HP Lovecraft - X
38-year-old woman decides she wants a baby, claims she’s been ‘betrayed by feminism’ - New York Post
Now the media jumped on this and were very quick to post this absolutely everywhere. - NBC News
However these headlines do not provide additional context and are actually confusing people and of course the media would never do such a thing. - Bree Dail - X
Bus full of trannies - Associated Press - Youtube
The Right to bear memes made this. - The Right to Bear Memes - X
And this - The Right to Bear Memes - X
And the babylon bee making a joke. - The Babylon Bee - X
The former member of the Church of England General Synod, who describes herself as a “gay evangelical” Christian, argued that “if repentance is not a salvation matter” then the church doesn’t need to uphold biblical sexual ethics. - The Christian Institute
She asked - Tee Telegraph