The Mind of Maddow

Trump derangement syndrome patient zero, Rachel Maddow, is an agent of evil. She is not merely a laughable and degenerate excuse for a journalist, she is not merely a wretched moron who peddles half-truths and outright lies, she is the very embodiment of what it means to be evil. She is like a type of living, breathing, demonic creature spawn from the depths of hades, determined to spread chaos and division in the world of mankind; I wouldn’t be surprised if her feet are cloven. I can almost smell the very sulphurs of hell whenever I see her massive neck and weird lego-man crash-helmet-hair.

But it’s not Maddow’s repulsive appearance which is a danger to the human project, rather, it is Maddow’s mind which is the truly sickening and dangerous aspect of her persona. It is actually stomach-churning to contemplate. What a terrible and rotten reality she must live in; no wonder she’s struggled with depression for as long as she can remember. Yes, that’s what happens when your whole mind, your entire character, is given over to resentment, vindictiveness and the unending pursuit of distorting the truth. No wonder she’s unhappy. It must be exhausting to constantly filter the world through a feminist or socialist prism; to be constantly doing battle against the truth.

I have zero sympathy for her. I have no sympathy for people that choose the path of deception and falsity. Those that make a conscious decision, as Maddow surely has, to champion dishonesty, are worthy of nothing but contempt. They are scum. They are at odds with civilisation itself.

What must patient zero Rachel Maddow’s mind be like? What must her thought process be on a daily basis? It is either that she truly believes all the insane and subversive leftist propaganda she vomits — which suggests she has the reasoning ability of a small child with severe learning difficulties — or she is completely aware that the revolting narratives she queefs onto the airwaves are in fact a stinking pile of putrid filth. I suspect it is a bit of both. I suspect she largely and genuinely believes the globalist bizarro hate which is her stock-in-trade, it is perfectly consistent with everything else she has written and done in her life. Anything that undermines men, the West, American society, the rule of law, morality; anything that erodes those pillars of civilisation, are legitimate targets for Maddow. And, surely, inevitably, when the bile she emits is just too stupid and at odds with reality even for her not to notice, well then, I suppose the cognitive dissonance is easier to ignore when it makes you a millionaire and the darling of crypto-communists. I imagine it’s an easier pill to swallow at that point.

Why does Rachel Maddow want to ruin Western civilisation, though? Why would she consider these things to be worthy of destruction? No doubt she — or her minions — would respond with some nonsense about equity or historical oppression or toxic masculinity or white privilege, et cetera. Of course, all that is a smokescreen. A rather thin, patchy, barely opaque smokescreen. The real reason Maddow’s soul is as black as night, the real reason she is almost entirely consumed by revenge, is that the world has mercilessly bullied her for being weird looking and having the personality of a sadistic jock. 

Kids can be cruel. The internet can be cruel. I can only imagine the torrents of abuse she has received for being, at a glance, freakish. And so, instead of taking the criticism on board, instead of processing that and dealing with it like nearly everyone else in the world who isn’t perfect, she has decided that the whole structure of society should be broken down and annihilated. She sold her soul to living devils who are happy to facilitate such a crime. She has come to the conclusion that men, ‘whiteness’, and America itself should be cleansed from her sight. A genuinely genocidal madness.

You might think, dear reader, that I am guilty of hyperbole, that I am exaggerating the case beyond all measure. Not so. MSNBC and Rachel Maddow’s coverage of Darrell Brook’s seemingly racially motivated massacre in Waukesha, Wisconsin, is proof that they stand opposed to decency. They stand opposed to truth and honesty. They stand in league with horror. They stand in league with murdering people on the basis of their skin colour. They are, in a very real, very direct sense, the agents of evil. That Maddow could go on air and deliver a segment about Waukesha and not mention the perpetrator or his fairly obvious motivations is something which makes my blood run cold. It’s not just sickening, it’s not just morally reprehensible; it presages something terrible beyond description. It is a warning, as clear as crystal, that the corporate media wish the very worst things possible on the white people of America. It is a signal that they will side with any terrorist or monster, so long as their targets are white. Bizarre and disturbing in a very immediate sense.  

On some level, what is even more worrying than simply Maddow and MSNBC’s editorial take on Waukesha is the fact that many people see straight through it. Yet, the media appear completely unabashed. That is worrying because they obviously assign no real value to reality; being called out for provably false narratives doesn’t seem to be deterring them in the slightest. A great many people can see it for what it is, a disgusting and divisive gambit to destroy civil society. Indeed, only the wokest of the woke can still pretend Maddow and her overlords are legitimate journalists. Only those who have allowed their critical faculties to be utterly superseded by the globalist agenda would still argue that Maddow’s type of ‘news’ is anything other than evil. And yet, even though it's clear to see, the corporate media aren’t curbing their lies and half-truths. They aren’t even slowing down. If anything, they are becoming more brazen. This is truly madness. A truly inverted and entirely backward clown world.

This situation speaks volumes about the left-leaning globalist media, about their ultimate goals and motivations. That they are lying in the most dangerous ways possible, that they aren’t even hiding the fact, that we the people can see it happening, and that they only become increasingly more strident and divisive: that speaks volumes. It says that they are impeccable enemies of truth and reason and moral rectitude. They are hysterical monsters on a path which leads to ethnic and sectarian civil conflict.     

I originally intended to make the denouement of this article a broad and mildly sarcastic plea for patient zero Rachel Maddow to come to her senses, to stop parsing the world through a demented lens, to start living in reality and describing it honestly. Yet, if Maddow wasn’t shamed into retirement and silence — or even contrition — by the Mueller Report, then she never will be; her shamelessness apparently has no bounds. It seems evident that Maddow and her bosses cannot be reasoned with. Such an appeal for repentance or remorse would be pie-in-the-sky naivete. I fear that no amount of inducement or persuasion would move them an inch closer to reason. They are not interested in engaging in discourse. They are profoundly uninterested in dialogue. They are disingenuous actors in the extreme. They are mendacious agents of evil. They are the merciless foot soldiers of a pitiless super-elite that have designs of the most frightful sort. They are enemies of the state, enemies of the people. They are the cause and antagonists of the greatest struggle of our time. I, for one, will pop champagne and dance in the streets if and when their edifice of lies come tumbling down.

