Hangout | The England Riots Roundtable
Published 5th Aug at 03:00 pm
Join us for a long-form roundtable discussion about the causes and consequences of the riots in England this weekend.

Thousands dead from terrorism - Wikipedia
Prison population makeup - Prison Reform Trust
Starmer initial statement - Keir Starmer - YouTube
Starmer initial statement text 1 aug - GOV.UK
Farage response - Nigel Farage - YouTube
Starmer’s response 4 aug - Keir Starmer - YouTube
4 aug statement - GOV.UK
It doesn’t matter - Kingbingo - Twitter
Yvette Cooper - Home secretary - Archive
They don’t share British values - Haggis_UK - Twitter
Muslim Antifa - BGatesIsaPyscho - Twitter
Hunting EDL - Steve_Laws - Twitter
Muslims just attacking people in the street now - DaveAtherton20 - Twitter
Pictured: thugs - Sargon_of_Akkad - Twitter
Map of the riots - Daily Mail
Cooper - LBC - Twitter
Covering up muslim attacks - JackBMontgomery - Twitter
MPs demanding crackdown - PolitlcsUK - Twitter
Mark Rowley two-tier policing question - Sky News - Twitter