The Bottomless Bog of Corruption

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The war in Ukraine stinks to high heaven. Almost everything about it is increasingly suspicious. I distrust nearly everything we are being told about it. Those who still blindly believe the narrative that Ukraine is a poor put-upon victim of Mr. Putin’s mad aggression are simple in the head. All of which is not to say I’m pro-Russia; far from it. I believe Putin is a murderous douche of the highest calibre, a two-bit gangster son-of-a-bi*ch who, if anything, is less ‘on the level’ than Nancy Pelosi. I distrust the Kremlin, I distrust the White House, I distrust the entire mainstream corporate media, I distrust the British government, and most of all, I distrust the weirdo freak-gremlin Zelensky.

Why is the Russian military so absurdly inept? Why are the Ukrainian forces so absurdly inept? Why have the Americans and select members of NATO pumped absurd, incredible, astronomical, scarcely believable amounts of money into Ukraine? Where exactly has that money gone? Why is the mainstream media’s coverage so absurdly phoney? The whole charade stinks to high heaven.

Zelensky going to Washington and being hailed as a modern-day Churchill? Oh please. The Nord Stream pipeline being sabotaged, then the story almost immediately falling out of the news cycle? Oh please. The apparent presence of Western special forces on the ground, but no significant escalation from Russia, even in terms of rhetoric? Oh please. The almost complete lack of recognition from the media that Russia possess a gigantic nuclear arsenal, and therefore we are potentially moments away from a global holocaust? C’mon man, please. I tell you, the whole thing stinks to high heaven. 

In many ways the whole situation makes little sense. It simply does not fit in with the paradigm of all previous conflicts. Something extremely fishy is going on; something on the level of the JFK killing, or 9/11, or the Jeffrey Epstein affair—something so bizarrely evil and contrived that it boggles the mind of ordinary people operating within the normal bounds or reason.

If I had to guess, I would wager it is about money. Ultimately, if I had to guess, it is a massive and perverse exercise in the transfer of wealth. An insanely audacious exercise in the fleecing of Western treasuries in order to line the pockets of unknown parties. Parties so cruel and unusual, parties so nefarious and corrupt, so devoid of humanity, that they would toy with the Ukrainian people and world peace as though they are mere playthings.

There are various nexuses of power in the world today; I do not believe there is simply one global world order that controls everything. Beijing genuinely does not answer to Washington, Moscow does not answer to Brussels, and the theocrats of Tehran and Mecca care nothing for the wishes of policy makers in Paris and London et cetera. Muddying the waters yet further, some of the power structures at work are not even national governments; the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve, the World Economic Forum, the international military industrial intelligence complex, and on and on. Many of these supra-national structures are immaculately opposed to one another. It is a many-headed hydra locked in battle with a monumental octopus, heads and tentacles writhing around in a maelstrom of near chaos. For those who are not at the pinnacle of such structures, it is nearly impossible to unravel their connections and overlapping interests with any degree of certainty. Indeed, that is by design.  So to say where and who is actually pulling the strings with specific regard to Ukraine, is a very difficult task. All I am prepared to posit is that the whole stinking mess reeks to high heaven. Zelensky is a puppet. Biden and Sunak and Macron and von der Leyen are all puppets. Even Klaus Schwab is a puppet, of a kind. All by design. Beyond that the picture is purposely opaque.

The war in Ukraine stinks. It stinks like the bog of eternal stench, and I don’t buy it. I don’t buy any of it. I implore you not to either. Something unspeakably sinister is playing out, again, and to trust the corporate media narrative, or the torrent of lies coming from your governments is to be naive in the extreme. We The People must wake up, wise up, and realise that we are being taken for absolute fools. The truth has a nasty habit of eventually revealing itself, and then, then my friends, there will be a reckoning of biblical proportions; I hope.

