'Real Communism' Has Already Been Tried
Connor examines primary texts by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, and the writings and accounts of the actions of the twentieth-century dictators they inspired, to determine if the atrocities committed by Marxist states are an aberration produced by human fallibility in proximity to power, or if something rotten with the foundational doctrine means that “Real Communism” has already been tried and failed.
Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine (London: Penguin, 2008). - Naomiklein.org
Friedrich Engels, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, Theses on Feuerbach - Marxists.org
Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England- Marxists.org
Karl Marx, Value, Price and Profit - Marxists.org
Friedrich Engels, The Principles of Communism - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, The German Ideology - Marxists.org
Three Arguments Debunking Marx’s Labor Theory of Value - Mises Institute
Five of Hayek's Biggest Ideas: A Study Guide - Foundation For Economic Education
Socialism: A Property or Knowledge Problem? - Mises Institute
Death to Capitalism? Visitors to Marx’s Grave Balk at Fee - Wall Street Journal
Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia (New York: Basic Books, 2013) - Amazon
Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos - JordanBPeterson.com
The Great Ideological Lie of Diversity - JordanBPeterson.com
The moral obligation of the moderate leftists - JordanBPeterson.com
Murray N. Rothbard, Classical Economics[:] An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought Volume II - Mises Institute
Karl Marx, Abstract from Marx to J. Weydemeyer in New York - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme - Marxists.org
Friedrich Engels, On Authority - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, The Paris Commune - Socialist Labor Party of America
Karl Marx, The Civil War in France - Marxists.org
Vladimir Lenin, Lessons of the Commune - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, Preface of A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy- Marxists.org
Robert Conquest, Reflections on a Ravaged Century(New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000). - Amazon
Karl Marx, Private Property and Communism, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 - Marxists.org
Mikhail Bakunin, Statism and Anarchy - Marxism.org
Aleksandr, Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, Abridged Edition (London: Vintage Classics, 2018). - Amazon
Karl Marx, The Victory of the Counter-Revolution in Vienna - Marxists.org
Hate Speech - The United Nations
Leon Trotsky, Why Marxists Oppose Individual Terrorism - Marxists.org
Rosa Luxemburg, What Does the Spartacus League Want? - Marxists.org
R.J. Rummel, Death By Government (New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1994).- Routledge
Friedrich Engels, The Magyar Struggle - Militant Archives
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power (New York: Vintage, 1967)- Amazon
Gordon, David, ‘Marxism, Dictatorship, and the Abolition of Rights’, Social Philosophy & Policy (1986), 3 (pp.145-159).- Cambridge University Press
Simone de, Beauvoir, The Second Sex (New York: Vintage, 2010)- Amazon
Vladimir Lenin, Clearness, Precision, Correctness - Marxists.org
Vladimir Lenin, Can “Jacobinism” Frighten the Working Class? - Marxists.org
Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003)- Yale University Press
Karl Marx, Marx to Dr Kugelmann Concerning the Paris Commune - Marxists.org
Friedrich Engels, Engels to Franz Mehring (1893) - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, Marx to Ruge (1843) - Marxists.org
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Philosophy of History - Marxists.org
J.W Freiberg, ‘The dialectic in China: Maoist and Daoist’ - T&F Online
Karl Marx, Antithesis of Capital and Labour[:] Landed Property and Capital(1844) - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte - Marxists.org
The Pale Maiden - A Ballad (1837) - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, Nocturnal Love - All Poetry
The Player/The Fiddler (1841) - All Poetry
The enduring effects of abuse and related adverse experiences in childhood - National Library of Medicine
Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, ed. Kaufman, Walter (New York: Vintage, 1966).- Amazon
Our God is Marching On! - The Martin Luther King Institute- Stanford University
Karl Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right(1843) - Marxists.org
Matthew 25 - Bible Gateway
Friedrich Engels, Engels To Marx In Brussels - Marxists.org
Karl Marx, Invocation of One in Despair - Marxists.org
Mikhail Bakunin, God and the State(1882)- Marxists.org
Genesis 3 - Bible Gateway
Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege- Jordan B Peterson - YouTube
Freedom Of Speech/Political Correctness: Dr. Jordan B Peterson- Jordan B Peterson - YouTube