PREMIUM LIVE: Hangout #36 | What Mizzy Reveals About London
Carl examines the cultural context behind Mizzy's viral videos and what it tells us about modernity.
Reading List
Pranks against families - Daily Dose of Laughter - Twitter
Dinosaur prank against the public - WillSmith - Instagram
YouTube pranking for profit - SunnyV2 - Youtube
Then you have a guy called Mizzy. His Pranks are different - Salman - Twitter .
The first video is of him invading someone’s hom - Salman - Twitter
Stealing a dog - Salman - Twitter
Ripping up books in a library - Salman - Twitter
Threatening people - Milesy - Twitter
Harassing women in public - Jonathan Wong - Twitter
When this is addressed, it’s not exactly addressed accurately - DesiDiva - Twitter
Walking up to women and a young man on the underground and asking them if they want to die - Salmon - Twitter
Machete attacks - London & UK Street News - Twitter
Citizen’s arrest - London & UK Street News - Twitter
3 Mar 2023 - Breitbart - Twitter
The black community in London has a serious problem with knife murders - The Independent
Random unprovoked attacks on strangers - BBC News
Walking up to people in public and asking them if they want to die - Salmon - Twitter
Bragging about going viral - Salmon - Twitter
Met getting involved - Calgie - Twitter
He’s spoken to them before and doesn’t care - Silas Xanders - Twitter
Remember that stop and search is racist - The Evening Standard
Mizzy’s apology video after enough public backlash - Mizzy - Youtube
Thames tv logo shows the change - TVARK - Twitter
Thames tv logo now - Adman Lowes - Twitter
Mass immigration into london has made the place basically unlivable - Sadiq Khan - Twitter