In the Shadow of Mockingbird
Remember that time Joe Biden told the world that Hunter’s laptop was a Russian ‘plant’, a foreign misinformation stratagem, and, as if to prove that assertion, he reminded us that more than fifty former senior intelligence officials had signed their name to an open letter confirming it as such? Remember that? Senior intelligence officials including many of the most powerful and connected spooks the ‘deep state’ could muster. Men who had been directors—or acting directors—of the CIA. Men like Leon Panetta, John Brennan, Mike Hayden, John McLaughlin, Michael Morell; along with many of their chiefs of staff. Men who have been at the very heart of the vast US national intelligence apparatus and policy-forming cabals; men like James Clapper, Thomas Fingar, Rich Ledgett, and Mike Vickers. The list is a veritable litany of American Intelligence Community royalty.
It was, of course, a matter of undisputed fact within days of Giuliani breaking the story that the laptop was indeed legit. Independent data analysts were able to authenticate its contents with no difficulty—truly a laptop from hell, as far as the Biden family should be concerned.
Only now, years later, after a ‘fortified’ presidential election and the subsequent string of mystifying and disastrous policy decisions spewing forth from the White House, only now are the FBI and some corporate mainstream media outlets—like CBS—admitting that the laptop is indeed too legit to quit.
There are two separate issues for which this state of affairs should cause concern. The first, obviously, is the fact that Hunter Biden is apparently a drug-addled paedophile and that his business dealings are completely and utterly, beyond all question, corrupt. The second, and quite separate issue, is the subsequent form and manner in which the mechanisms for justice, crime enforcement agencies, intelligence services, and mainstream media all colluded—and still are to an extent—to prevent the horrid and sordid truth from being transparently communicated to the vast majority of tax-paying, voting citizens.
I’d like to focus on the second issue, if I may: the cover-up. It is this collaboration between the so-called ‘deep state’ and the corporate mainstream media which is arguably even more poisonous and revolting than the crimes of the Biden family themselves, legion and manifest as they are. The cover-up—or rather attempted cover-up—is more dangerous, more pernicious, and to a greater number of people, than any single-sex criminal; more destructive to the fabric of society, the very nature of our civilisation, than any single geriatric president. Chief Executives come and go, but the deep state and the media mouthpieces remain, decade after decade. Their opaque and menacing agenda always simmering away below the surface, just out of sight.
For those old enough, and savvy enough, it will come as no shock whatsoever that the intelligence services and the corporate mainstream media often work in concert against the public. That a savage and vicious shadow government is in direct partnership with particular media outlets in an effort to manipulate the perception of reality, for nefarious reasons, is a revealed truth which has been with us since the 1970s.
Once upon a time, there lived a brave senator from Idaho who went by the name of Frank Forrester Church III. In 1975, Senator Church chaired a committee which quizzed the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS about their crimes against the people. It was called the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, or simply ‘The Church Committee’, for short.
The testimony and evidence—often the conspicuous lack of it—and the conclusions that the Church Committee came to, are truly astounding. Along with a congressional equivalent, The Pike Committee, and a presidential investigation, The Rockefeller Commission, it was formally discovered that the ‘deep state’ was/is involved in some of the most terrifying and vile practices possible for them to engage in. And, further, there is apparently no limit to the depth of their mendacity; their capacity to lie about it; their willingness to cover it up at all costs—at the cost of the Republic itself; at the cost of civilisation, if need be. Certainly the rule of law, common decency, or any sense of sane proprietary do not even register on their radar.
Among other things, the Church Committee revealed the existence of the MKULTRA programme, a project in experimental brainwashing and psychological torture carried out by the CIA against often unwitting American citizens. Also, an FBI counterintelligence programme called COINTELPRO, which aimed to infiltrate, surveil, and subvert any domestic political organisations they deemed fit. Also Project SHAMROCK and MINARET, an NSA espionage exercise to essentially collect endless data on everyone in a type of signals intelligence effort conducted against the entire world. Finally, Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s various and myriad attempts to manipulate and control domestic American news and media organisations for their own evil and degenerate ends.
The Church, Pike and Rockefeller investigations picked at a scab that revealed an infection so deep and exhaustive, that even in the mid-seventies, it seemed like the host organism—the United States of America—was being eaten from within by some kind of nightmarish parasite. Beneath the stones they overturned were more than mere insects. There were fully grown monsters of biblical proportions.
Yet more disturbing is the fact that Mockingbird probably only represented the tip of the iceberg. We know that from the very beginning, from the OSS and Dulles years, the CIA has engaged in media manipulation. Indeed that was/is their stock-in-trade. Frank Wisner—among the earliest and most amoral founders of the CIA—likened their media manipulation to playing a “great Wurlitzer”; a type of jukebox. In other words, the intelligence services pick the tune to which we are all obliged to dance.
Media organisations which are known as a matter of record to have been CIA fronts from inception, or to have at least been working hand-in-hand or at the direct behest of the intelligence services at various points, include The New York Times, The New York Post, The Washington Post, CBS, Time Magazine, Newsweek. The list goes on and on and on.
After the Church Committee hearings, the intelligence services made promises and commitments that they would begin to adhere to the law and to the Constitution, and certain oversight measures were put in place to be seen to be policing such a change. Of course, perverting and subverting such organs of government is simplicity itself for the deep state. It is their bread and butter. It is what they do.
The modern rot now goes far deeper than mere newspapers and glossy magazines. In the twenty-first century, we evidently live in the shadow of Mockingbird. Nothing stopped. Nothing even slowed down. The operations blossomed and metastasised, they morphed and grew alongside and in tandem with the internet and the explosion of social media. It is a matter of undisputed fact, for example, that Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Google were/are in league with the deep state in some fundamental way and to some degree which has very deliberately been kept unclear.
Ever wondered how it is possible for so many news outlets, with completely different owners and editorial teams, to wind up spewing the exact same message? Why was it that the same types of outlets were able to maintain a wall of silence about Hunter’s laptop, then blindly and unanimously accept the validity of the argument in the now infamous ‘open letter’?... The answer is that we are living in a post-Mockingbird world. The deep state controls our corporate mainstream media to a staggering extent.
It is not just the United States that suffers from such an affliction. Most developed countries have their news narratives guided and manipulated by their intelligence services. Britain is no different. The BBC is, in some essential respects, the public voice of the security services and the British foreign policy establishment. They are in bed together. Be in no doubt.
It is among the most important struggles of our age, perhaps the most important, that We The People wake up to these realities. That we throw off the blinkers, as a collective. That we reject their attempts to subvert the truth. That we awaken from their unended process of mass hypnosis. That we begin to be less credulous, to make value judgments for ourselves, rather than simply swallowing whatever narrative we are fed by this giant machinery of lies that calls itself ‘the news’. Many if not most who are reading this already have their eyes wide open, and may not even have read anything new in this article. The battle for us, now, is to awaken those around us, to spread the word, to preach the frightening and disturbing truth. Do not trust the deep state, do not trust the corporate media. Only once a critical mass has been achieved can their spell be broken. Have those difficult conversations with those in your life. Speak out. You have a voice, I implore you to use it.