I Do Not Support Zelenskyy

No, I do not support Zelenskyy. I do not trust or support his ‘government’ in the slightest. Why on Earth would I? What, because Boris and Keir and Lindsay Hoyle said I should? Er, how about no. How about you poke your blind support for a globalist puppet where the sun doesn’t shine. What, I’m expected to cheer on a hand-picked NATO shill dragging Europe towards a nuclear winter because Sean Penn and Ben Stiller say I should? Yeah, no, that’s a hard pass from me. Thanks.

Ukrainian politics—certainly in the last twenty years or so—can be fairly characterised as a nearly impenetrable, nearly indecipherable hive of corruption and shady dealing; a nexus for intelligence services from both the East and the West to clandestinely pit their wills against each other. Ukrainian politics has been the semi-secret battleground for NATO-backed Western influence, which has repeatedly and maliciously tried to subvert and pry it away from Russia’s sphere. Remember the extremely mysterious Euromaidan events of 2013/14, featuring a cameo by John McCain and a bunch of unidentified snipers; what really happened there? What weird and nasty games were being played there? What political reaction or repercussions did that bring in its wake? Don’t worry about it, the White House and Number Ten tell us. Don’t question the sequence of events or the nature of cause and effect, we’re told. The story only begins with the poor victim Zelenskyy, who must be supported indefinitely and without question. Er, again, how about no: I am not prepared to blindly support the Zelenskyy ‘government’. The Pentagon and CIA war bastards do not have my support. I will not fly a Ukrainian flag in solidarity. I am not gullible to the point of mindlessness, so no, I do not support Zelenskyy’s puppet regime.

The Kremlin has, of course, not been idle. The Donbas literally couldn’t be more on their proverbial doorstep. Remember when Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned? Russia absolutely does not have clean hands. Putin is ruthless. Putin is prepared to take extreme action when necessary. The Russian state is just as pitiless and calculating as anything sent against them by the West. 

But that any criticism of Zelenskyy or his ‘government’ is always immediately countered by the enemies of truth, the useful idiot, deep state human-drones, by suggesting that anyone who doesn’t unquestioningly revere Zelenskyy as a hero among men must surely be a pro-Putin Russophile, is egregious to the extreme. They crudely try to argue, like children or morons, that it is a zero-sum game, entirely black and white, and that if you don’t support Zelenskyy then you must be a Kremlin-loving Putin supporter. In their tiny minds there is no middle ground; if you’re not with Zelenskyy then you are against him.

Nonsense, of course. Pure, arrant nonsense. The exact same stripe of nonsense in fact that leads to supporting the Afghani Mujahideen, or Saddam, or Gaddafi, et cetera. The list of terrible regimes the Pentagon has decided to back, only to suffer catastrophic blow-back, is astonishing. That many ordinary people are still wholeheartedly fooled by this type of haggard narrative is sickening. How many times do they need to be shown that the West’s war machine is a lying, cheating, many-headed hydra? Oh, but I’m supposed to just uniformly support whatever Zelenskyy says or does because Louise Mensch says I should? Yeah, no thanks.

In the minds of those who fail to reason properly, the desire to have ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’ in international conflicts is proof of their low-resolution thinking. It is, frankly, stupid. That’s what the globo-homos want, though. They want us to think in dumbed-down terms, they want us not to dwell on the complexities of reality. Just lionise the ‘goodie’ and demonise the ‘baddie’. You don’t even have to decide for yourself who is the goodie and who is the baddie, that’s already been done for you.

Much like the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, I refuse to be told who I am supposed to support. No, no, no. I’m aware of enough history to know that both sides are dominated by fundamentalist maniacs whose politics and theology are primitive and disgusting and have nothing to do with my nation’s best interests. There are no goodies. Both sides are repellent, to my mind. So too then with Zelenskyy and Putin.

My opinion of Putin has not changed in many, many years. Nothing he has done during this Ukraine conflict has changed my view. I expressed that view in a Contemplations podcast recorded before this current conflagration began. I said: “I think of him as a killer. A stone-cold FSB killer. But, as far as that goes, really quite reasonable. A reasonable person to deal with on many levels. He’s not a monster. He’s not a complete psychopath. He’s not like one of those North Korean leaders that’s just an unstable psycho that you can’t trust, can’t rely on in any way. He’s not that.” Nothing in the Donbas has changed my opinion. Do I remember the Litvinenko murder? Yes, I do. Do I remember the various Novichok poisoning events? Yes, I do. Does that mean that I am now obliged to support the ultra-corrupt Zelenskyy government? No, not at all; not remotely. That avenue of reasoning is backward and I refuse to be bamboozled by it. 

Throw on top of this mountain of under-handed filth inundating the situation from all directions a brief look at Zelenskyy the man, and any hope of finding a redeeming feature is swept away. The European Court of Auditors repeatedly tells us that Ukraine is among the most corrupt countries in Europe, that oligarchs and massive institutional levels of corruption plague it. Just ignore that, though, sleepy Joe says. Just stop remembering that Zelenskyy and his ‘government’ are clearly embezzling funds, the likes of Anthony Blinken insist. Stop being aware that Zelenskyy and many in his orbit are essentially vapid TV personalities. Stop allowing your ears to hear that Zelenskyy has outlawed multiple opposition parties and unfriendly media outlets; he’s a hero freedom fighter, remember. Definitely don’t allow yourself to be reminded of the fact that Zelenskyy is a protégé of the shadowy billionaire Ihor Kolomoyskyi, someone like Liz Truss demands.

That Zelenskyy and members of his ‘government’ openly say their sordid little conflict is the beginning of World War Three, or that World War Three is inevitable, or that there is no point trying to de-escalate it, and that Poland or Estonia are next; all of that in insane bunkum. Balls. Balderdash. Baloney. Anyone who buys that is a fool, an empty-headed fool with no working concept of eastern European history or the state of affairs as it exists on the ground right now in 2022. Poland is not next on Putin’s hit list—that nation hasn’t been working to undermine and subvert Russia for years on end.

The physically revolting slob, Boris Johnson, recently said that he thought it was Putin’s toxic masculinity that was one of the root causes behind Russia’s aggression. That Putin’s policies are in some way a reflection of his crazy machoness. No mention of the fact that Russia has been aggressed against for years before Putin finally lost his patience and launched any kind of formal invasion attempt. Boris doesn’t want to remind you of any of those years. That aggression doesn’t count, or something. Again, don’t think about it too much. Certainly don’t feel any resentment about the UK pledging another £1bn when we don’t even have enough ambulances in our own country, or that swathes of our working class are reduced to reliance on food banks in order to get enough calories. Don’t dwell on that; just wear a Ukraine badge on your lapel and keep your mouth shut. Well, if defending your own country from foreign interference is toxic masculinity, then I’m all for it. I’d rather a leader who errs towards old-school masculinity than one who lets his crypto-globalist deranged feminist wife tell him what to think and say. I’d rather a leader who isn’t afraid to show his physique than one whose silhouette is closer to a beach ball than a human man.

So no, I do not support the corrupt Zelenskyy and his puppet ‘government’. I am not onside with the Pentagon’s war agenda. I do not want World War Three to kick off over a manufactured conflict in an eastern European backwater. That is a reasonable position to hold, unrestricted support for Zelenskyy is not.

