Common Sense Crusade | 21/03/2024
The Reverend Brett Murphy joins Fr Calvin Robinson to discuss current events from a faith perspective.

Irish PM steps down, “I’m no longer best man for the job” - Sky
What Dublin looks like as the PM leaves - Ian Miles Cheong - X
Kings Cross Ramadan sign - Calvin Robinson - X
Man bullied to stop eating while his colleagues are fasting, he’s called Kuffar a derogatory term for non-Muslim - The Based Paddy - X
Blackpool LGBT crossing - Blackpool Council - X
Cambridge church choir scrapped - Mark Elliott Smith
Nadine Dorris wants to stop the decriminalisation of late term home abortion - Nadine Dorries - X
King's Cross: Network Rail removes Ramadan message after complaints - BBC
The moment I saw an aborted foetus gasping for breath scarred me for life - The Daily Mail
The UK Govt. is providing £1.5 million UK taxpayer money to one of the worlds largest abortion providers - Right To Life UK - X