Common Sense Crusade | 08/08/2024

Reading List
BBC “mostly peaceful” lies - Calvin Robinson on Twitter
Hamas thugs - Calvin Robinson on Twitter
Jess Phillips excusing masked thugs - Calvin Robinson on Twitter
“Far right thugs” - KingBobIIV on Twitter
MSM colluding with Politicians - Calvin Robinson on Twitter
Keir declared war on ordinary Brits - Calvin Robinson on Twitter
Refreshing to hear the Prime Minister standing up for white Britons and Christians - Calvin Robinson on Twitter
Jihad hitlist - Alex Woman on Twitter
Reuniting Catholics and Protestants in N.I. - Calvin Robinson on Twitter
“Feuding brothers reconcile when a maniac is at the door.” - CilComLFC on Twitter
Keir going on holiday? - PolitlcsUK on Twitter
Pink No10 will fix everything - Calvin Robinson on Twitter
TwoTierKeir fanning the flames from the beginning - Shehab Khan on Twitter
Labour hates the white working class - Suffragent on Twitter
Blaming EDL - Martin Daubney on Twitter
Canon Phil goes viral - PhilHs10 on Twitter
Buying Torsa Island - Update - Not_the_Bee on Twitter