Common Sense Crusade | 01/08/2024
England has gone to pot. Let's buy an island and reclaim Christendom.

Alternative Player - Odysee
Further Reading
Video - Calvin Robinson - Twitter
Press release - Christian Concern
Tweet video - Calvin Robinson - Twitter
Southend example - TRobinsonNewEra - Twitter
What is happening - thales4c - Twitter
Continues to get worse - JamesHarvey2503 - Twitter
Link - ThoughtsToby - Twitter
Link - Lauren_Sadlerx - Twitter
What country is this? - CrimeLdn - Twitter
Let us remember the innocents - TRobinsonNewEra - Twitter
Assassination attempt - MarioNawfal - Twitter
Searches - NoemiKhachian - Twitter
News - WallStreetSilv - Twitter
Google censorship - TheRabbitHole84 - Twitter
Promotion of the opposition - ArynneWexler - Twitter