Common Sense Crusade | 14/11/2024
Is this the start of the end for the Church of England, as the Archbishop of Canterbury resigns?

Reading List
Euthanasia - Miriam Cates - X
Kim rushing the bill through - Yuanyi_z - X
Write to your MPs - Right to Life
Archbishop of Canterbury resigns - Samantha Taghoy - X
Jokers nominated me - UK Updates - X
My plan - Calvin Robinson - X
Next in line-up - That Alex Woman - X
Secretary of Defence - Western Lensman - X
Women in combat roles - Calvin Robinson - X
Elon and Vivek - Elon Musk - X
Border Czar - Wesley Hunt - X
He has actually been to the border - Calvin Robinson - X
Getting stuff done - Gunther Eagleman - X
Attorney General - Gunther Eagleman - X
Efficient senate, too - Rep Thomas Massie - X
President DJT won the trifecta, the house, the senate, the popular vote - Visegrad 24 - X
Common sense is returning. Boeing - Chris Rufo - X